All in a Day’s Work
Can laser scanning from UAV and car replace total station and GPS surveys of roads?
A project in Croatia tried to find out: Developments in the field of laser scanners and laser scanning systems have increased in the past few years. Physical size has decreased while performance has increased. The number of laser pulses per second has reached a million and the measurement distance is in the hundreds of metres.
RIEGL has implemented these and other features in a variety of compact, powerful, and precise scanners. Attached IMU/GNSS units, governing control units and optional cameras collect/record a multitude of additional properties during each scan. Due to the straightforward attachment system, a quick and easy installation is possible onto helicopters, vehicles and even UAVs – the modern tools of choice to accurately surveying road infrastructure in the highest possible quality.
The system’s flexibility became an important aspect in a project of RiCOPTER UAV GmbH, which was executed in December last year on behalf of Geoprojekt LLC, one of the major geodetic companies in Croatia.
The company was interested in a practical demonstration of the benefits and advantages of laser scanning for their fields of operation. The mission was to acquire both mobile and aerial laser scan data of an area of 2km x 1.5km that had previously been surveyed conventionally using DGPS and total stations. The data acquisition was conducted using the RIEGL VUX-SYS laser scanning system. For mobile data acquisition, the system was used with the RIEGL VMQ-1HA mounted on a car wiwhile for the aerial data acquisition the RiCOPTER, RIEGL's unmanned octocopter, was used as platform for carrying the VUX-SYS.
Read here the full article published at May 2017.
Overlap area of MLS und ULS data (blue MLS data, magenta ULS data)