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Unmanned Scanning

Gottfried Mandlburger et al.: Fließgewässervermessung mittels UAV-basierter Laserbathymetrie im Produktiveinsatz
Stephan Schraml et al.: Real-Time Gamma Radioactive Source Localization by Data Fusion of 3D-LiDAR Terrain Scan and Radiation Data from Semi-Autonomous UAV Flights
Harm Bartholomeus et al.: Evaluating Data Inter-Operability of Multiple UAV–LiDAR Systems for Measuring the 3D Structure of Savanna Woodland
Gottfried Mandlburger et al.: A case study for detection and modelling of submerged deadwood from UAV-borne topo-bathymetric LiDAR point clouds
Ansgar Dreier et al.: Quality Analysis of Direct Georeferencing in Aspects of Absolute Accuracy and Precision for a UAV-Based Laser Scanning System
Barbara D'hont et al.: Characterising Termite Mounds in a Tropical Savanna with UAV Laser Scanning
Moritz Bruggisser et al.: Influence of ULS acquisition characteristics on tree stem parameter estimation
Jose Iriarte et al.: Geometry by Design: Contribution of Lidar to the Understanding of Settlement Patterns of the Mound Villages in SW Amazonia
Martin Pfennigbauer et al.: Waveform-averaging airborne laser bathymetry scanner
Stefano Puliti et al.: Estimation of Forest Growing Stock Volume with UAV Laser Scanning Data: Can It Be Done without Field Data?
Karel Kuželka et al.: Very High Density Point Clouds from UAV Laser Scanning for Automatic Tree Stem Detection and Direct Diameter Measurement
Gottfried Mandlburger et al.: Concept and Performance Evaluation of a Novel UAV-Borne Topo-Bathymetric LiDAR Sensor
Roland Schwarz et al.: Design and evaluation of a full-wave surface and bottom-detection algorithm for LiDAR bathymetry of very shallow waters
Benjamin Brede et. al: Comparing RIEGL RiCOPTER UAV LiDAR Derived Canopy Height and DBH with Terrestrial LiDAR
Philipp Glira, Norbert Pfeifer, Gottfried Mandlburger: "Rigorous Strip Adjustment of UAV-based Laserscanning Data Including Time-Dependent Correction of Trajectory Errors"