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Airborne Scanning

Simon Crutchley and Fiona Small: Lidar Reveals Lost Roman Road from Chichester to Arundel 05.09.2017

Analysis of lidar and aerial photography by Simon Crutchley and Fiona Small, both of Historic England, has led to the rediscovery of a long-speculated route in Roman times.

The success of the Roman Empire was founded on its network of trunk and secondary roads linking centres of military or commercial importance. Chichester (Noviomagus Reginorum) on the south coast of England was a significant early settlement and developed into an important town and gateway port. A number of arterial roads headed inland and along the coast. Four of these have been identified, but the course of the road eastwards along the coastal plain has remained elusive.

The full article was published in Geomatics World and can be found here.